Gray Nicolls Seamer Cricket ball

Gray Nicolls Seamer Cricket ball


High-quality leather cricket ball designed for professional and recreational play.

  • Lightweight low bounce starter ball
  • Durable PVC
  • Raised seams replicate the movement and bounce of a leather ball
  • Ideal for practice and training
  • 130 grams

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Product Description

The Gray Nicolls Seamer Cricket ball is a high-quality leather ball designed for professional and recreational play. It features a durable construction and consistent seam for optimal performance.

GRAY-NICOLLS GN SEAMER CRICKET BALL is designed with lightweight and low bounce properties, making it perfect for beginners. The durable PVC material ensures long-lasting use, while the raised seams accurately mimic the movement and bounce of a leather ball. It is an ideal choice for both practice and training purposes.


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